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JC Films-Greenville is a local filmmaking club that works on a micro-budget. What does that mean? Essentially, it means that we don't have the resources that those blockbuster movies have, in regard to financing, talent, locations, or props.

We raise money to produce our films.

That includes things like:

        .  professional gaffers

. professional grips

 . professional actors at times

.  materials and props

.  potential location rental

.  equipment

.  advertising, marketing, and promotional items, posters & other printing

.  distribution

.  and much more


Indie films like those that JCFilms-Greenville is making require a great deal of financing. Much of this financing comes from the general public and local / regional businesses, and is in the form of donations and sponsorships. But JCFilms-Greenville does a lot of fundraising on its own, such as a stunt-fighting workshop we held in August with professional stuntman Matthew Thompson, who graciously donated his time and expertise for the workshop. Our upcoming "Dessert with Dean" is another fundraiser we'll be holding, allowing the community to meet Dean Cain, enjoy some fellowship, and hear him talk about Faith and Family films.

The club will also be starting an Indiegogo.com crowdfunding page, so please watch for information on that. It's worth noting that almost every one of us working on these films has a full-time job, and all of our work with the films is voluntary! We are making them for the Glory of God, to spread His message and bring more people to Christ.

Your donation would be so meaningful. 

 You can make a one-time donation, or a recurring donation to keep the club moving forward. As we move forward, we will have items for purchase as well.

You can help us get started by clicking on the following link today


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